Receiving SSL Certificate Invalid from IMAC to MYCLOUD

Continuing the discussion from SSL Certificate Invalid on iMAC:

Reading this thread there is no apparent solution obvious to correct this issue! My IMAC is connected to my home network via Ethernet as is the MYCLOUD device and seeing this message is disconcerting in my case not being ‘Tech Savvy’. I can access MYCLOUD via the 2 windows computers connected to my network with no apparent issues which tends to indicate the issue is MYCLOUD to MAC. Is there a solution?

What app are you using on youR Mac that is displaying the SSL certificate invalid message? Safari? Are you getting the message while attempting to access the WD My Cloud Dashboard?

Yes that is exactly what is happening, the message box does allow me to ‘continue’ the operation but I would like to understand and get rid of the message!

I had an issue with keychain using one version of my username and pass and then using a similar key for the other shares. I don’t know much about the filesystem and password between the shares but i suspect the time machine share being OS compatible and the other shares being Linux use different filesystem and pass. Some how in my case Time Machine was trying to use John Doe and the other shares were using JohnDoe as the WD doesn’t allow the space in the username, add in my OS login on my mac is John Doe and the pass window when prompted with username for pass only displaying my first name somehow i ended up with the 2 different keys and here again I’m guessing as I know little (maybe someone can confirm) safari is trying to use both sets to access the same ip and they should be identical for Time Machine and the separate keychain pass used for the other Linux shares such as Public etc. etc. It looked like keychain has separate keys log for Time machine then the other drives/shares

In my case i could turnoff time machine in both units reboot everything and see the shares. As soon as Time machine is turned on the other shares would not connect but i could access and use Time machine.

Once i went into keychain and cleaned it up (by the way it uses many different keys since the drive is accessible in many ways plus the different shares. if you login with keychain while all shares are public you have a public set for each item and then if the shares are set to private then another set are made for the share in keychain.

And in my case if the Wd server name and ip address are changed now keychain adds the new files. The minute i had problems i assumed it was all the stuff i read on here and started tinkering with the ip etc etc. I though changing the server name by adding a letter in front might help the only problem when i did a reset i forgot the drive reverted back and i failed to add the extra letter.

When i finally figured out the issue keychain and many many entries for the multiple log in paths. So i cleaned it making sure all the server names, ip address and shares paths were correct with proper user name and pass.

The mistake i made i think was having keychain on during the install and using my name for both OS and WDmycloud as i think it added to the confusion of which name and pass i was using as My OS login pass is different the WDmycloud username pass.

I don’t know if this is you problem but it may be worth checking the easy stuff before thinking its some bigger issue like many have on here. This site is great and Im grateful i found it but being new to Mac and NAS drives I over looked the simple things and jumped to conclusion further compound my issue and taking some 2 weeks just to get the cloud working which the do now as far as being able to access all the shares. I have only added One file as of yet trying to make sure the drive is playing nice with EL Capitan before I continue. I have a lengthy LOL post in the EL Capitan support thread under my name and the account is as best as I can remember because it was a 2 week nightmare. And Im assuming many things as I’m not schooled in any of this.

 I hope someone can add insight to my theory as far as my experience and my humble opinion and might i suggest it wouldn't hurt to check if you have a similar issue...... You might get lucky. Good luck and hope your experience with THE CLOUD gets better.

Thanks for allowing my to share…Big Jake

I should add that after adding the certificate the first time i still had issues which I can only assume were the password issues from the start and that overtime after setting it up which i read was the correct way that i must have had a bigger problem which is when i changed server name and ip which then added other certificates further populating Keychain with wrong Keychain entries for each particular item. I still have 5 certificates in Keychain that I assume are 4 to many. I haven’t got around to dealing with them as I needed the break to bask in the glory of Finder seeing and mounting the drives and being able to log in from all possible ways.