Read drive

My Windows 10 computer is no longer reading my Cloud Home drive or recognizing. I go in to W D discovery and log in. I click on storage and it says no USB device connected. It used to have a picture of my drive on the homepage. Also I downloaded the new WD backup and the only drive it recognizes is Dropbox. How can I change it to my drive? Or recognizing even though I go in to W D discovery and log in. I click on storage and it says no USB device connected

Hi @rickbu,

Please refer to the article My Cloud Home: Not Detected or Not Found by Windows or macOS:

If further assistance is needed, please open a case with our support team at the following:

I don’t know what any of this means, I don’t have a computer I just have my iPhone please inform of what this is for me please n why do I need this? Better yet what does this stuff do? Thank you I’d appreciate your help in anyway