PR4100 Blue Flashing Light

SO - - - - one thing I may have missed this in the posts.

Have you tried reaching the web dashboard interface using a computer? Accessing the dashboard will give more insight into what the device is (or is not) doing.

If the 40 second reset was successful; the device name would have been reset to default (which I can’t remember); or you may need to log into your router to find the IP address of the NAS (Access with a web browser; and navigate by putting the ip into the address bar.

Be patient with this. IF the unit is indexing, it may also be transcoding (PR units can do that). That could really chew up the system resources. I believe transcoding is an “option” for the PR units. (I recommend you don’t transcode). Indexing is required if you use the WD Web tools. . . . (turning off cloud services - - will stop indexing)

I use Opnsense and have looked. The device is not pulling IP. I can’t access the device at all. Hence my original question of pushing or forcing a firmware overwrite/update using a USB stick.

I don’t believe the reset has been successful as it indicates in the instructions that the device will reboot some time after 40 seconds when you let got of the reset button. This doesn’t happen for me. The device just stays on and the LCD continues to have the Welcome message on it. I don’t transcode with the NAS, for the record. Will the NAS be visible connected by USB to a computer rather than over the network with ethernet? That’s something I haven’t actually tried yet as everything I’ve read indicates that it wouldn’t be accessible in this way (the dashboard).

Nothing you’ve said changes a single thing I’ve said already.

If you have another solution, feel free to provide it. Otherwise, why are you here? Move on. Take your toys and go home.

The truth is, you are attempting to hold solutions hostage. There’s no gasoline here. I responded to you in kind. You are entirely delusional if you think offering up breadcrumbs to other solutions is going to get me to ask you anything going forward. You’ve shown your true colors and how you’ve conducted yourself here speaks volumes about your character. I suspect there are many around here who feel similarly and probably look foolish due to you constantly deleting your posts.

The gas you smell is your own. You’ve been soaked in it for so long you can’t even tell the difference anymore.

Because otherwise you would be here to toss around your ego and feed into your narcissistic tendencies. I mean, that’s not why you’re here right?

All I revealed was that I wasn’t going to have your ego tossed around all over me. Especially not over something you took from what I said and twisted in your mind.

Oh I’m amused. Amused that you think you have a sense of humor.

I assure you, you wouldn’t be able to handle me as your toy. You most certainly wouldn’t be able to afford me :wink:

So - - you have done the 40 second reset. . . . .and the configuration is not being wiped; and the unit is locking up before it can even grab an IP address. . . .

That is not a good sign.

First - - this is a network only device. It can’t interface with a USB connection. - - - You can do network crossover cable and some software. . . . .but before doing that I would simply try a different router /network cable/router port. Don’t rule out the network port on the NAS. . . .try switching to the other one.

Sigh. . . . . this is where we find out if WD support can help. But this sounds like a case of bricking. Which leads you to either UART option that dswv42 probably suggested. . . . .or the amazon solution (i.e. new NAS). I suspect the “brand B” option won’t result in data recovery.

Yeah, I agree it doesn’t sound good. Thanks for offering up some suggestions though.

BTW: This is a test for WD support.

If they can help you. . . be loyal to the brand.

If they can’t help you. . . . .look for a new brand.


The PR4100 was meant to be an easy solution for my old self constructed NAS using an old tower server. I have actually had it for 5 years and this is the first time I’ve had this issue. Ultimately, this makes me want to go back to dealing with my own custom NAS device.

I have toyed with the same.

Frankly - - - I have EX2’s - - > been happy with them. But they are running OS/3 - > after giving the current OS/5 a more than fair shot. Next NAS probably DS220+

No, actually. I just happen to be strong enough to hold up that mirror you’re currently staring into.

Apology accepted. Thanks.

As a consumer, it’s not my responsibility to fix a manufacturers error. That isn’t an entitlement issue. That’s a responsibility and ownership that belongs to the manufacturer. Had I caused my own problem, this would be a very different conversation.

You imply that I don’t have a right to a solution because I refuse to take ownership of the problem. That’s flawed. While I know first hand you cannot account for every device and every configuration and so you can never predict these issues, a company such as WD should have a way to resolve issues such as these without having to crack the case open. If you’re going to offer up software updates or firmware updates, you need to be prepared to deal with the issues that arise. You may call that entitlement, I call that consumerism.

I have numerous routers in my possession that are nearly impossible to brick. It’s entirely feasible for WD to have a solution or workaround for bricking due to faulty firmware or issues arising from corruption based on said firmware.

I can’t respond to this without making things worse here.

Someone should take their own advice.

Trying to use my own words against me I see. Champ!

I’m well aware that these are community forms. It’s not me who seems to have an issue with that. I don’t recall ever saying it was your responsibility to do anything. I’m happy to sit here and wait until you show me where I said “It’s your responsibility to help me”. What I did say was, why are you here if not to help? That’s not the same thing. You claim to be an expert here to help, but then delete posts, withhold information, antagonize and then puff out your chest by throwing around breadcrumbs. Either help, or don’t. It’s truly that simple. You act as if I owe you my life because you offered me a solution. I’m appreciative that you have gone through this and you obviously know more than I do regarding my issue, but that does not make you my superior.

No? I’m happy to prove you wrong but, you deleted your posts because you’re a coward.

That being said, now you refer to calling me stupid because I haven’t used your solution. First and foremost, tools need to be purchased and I’ve barely had the opportunity to do so. Second, you have no idea what my plans are as you don’t know me or live in my household. Third, while my NAS is important to me, I do have other responsibilities. I don’t recall ever stating that I wouldn’t learn what I needed to, in order to possibly resolve my issue. I have indeed stated that I find the solution you provided to be a “last resort” though. Feel free to keep acting like a gorilla though, jumping around pounding on your chest.

I know exactly what I’m doing. Do you know what I’m doing?

And there it is. Thank you for proving every single thing I’ve said up to this point.

It’s sad it took this entire back and forth in order for you to show the truth. You’re here to throw around your ego with the expectation that anyone here truly owes you anything. You can’t expect gratitude and respect for nothing my dear. Life doesn’t work that way.

You wanted my respect and my gratitude, you’d have earned like everyone else on this planet.

There will be no apologizing or begging on my behalf. I already caught glimpse of the slithering snake you are. Keep your “easy fix”. If it even exists :roll_eyes:

Are you bipolar?

Why do you wait to discuss like a normal human being after you get called out?

This entire back and forth could have been avoided. Instead, you tried to impress me with whatever clout you think you have with non existent posts, arrogance towards myself and other community members, self imposed (but not public) rules of engagement for lack of a better term and when I tell you to stuff it, you come back with at the very least a semi reasonable response.

I am angry and frustrated. Period. Toying with those emotions does nobody any favors. What I see is what you type. You wrongly came at me with your attitude because you applied the wrong context to something I said. I gave you the opportunity to back pedal by explaining I was appreciative of your initial suggestion, but not happy with WD about it possibly being my only solution.

Instead of either bowing out graciously or even just taking it as face value, you doubled down and became even more arrogant.

Now you wanna try to explain your behavior and act like it was warranted. It wasn’t.

I’ll ask again, why are you here?

Oh? So there is a way to boot from USB?

Does it involve removing all the disks? (that was suggested in one random post that I googled)

I suppose if you could boot from USB; you could then

  1. Load OMV or FreeNas onto the machine
  2. OR if you can get a copy of the rescue firmware; fire up on that and it will prompt you to load a new firmware (which you can get off the WD website)
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And yet here you still are.

I suppose that question is better directed towards yourself. I may be frustrated and angry, but I’m not the ■■■■■ on the internet poking at me feeling the brunt of it. My anger is still directed where it belongs, WD. You’re just getting from me what you give.

Thanks for the pointers. I had already started making my way down that rabbit hole :slightly_smiling_face:

I got sidetracked getting sucked into his highness and his magical fix he’s been holding out on mentioning because I’m not worthy.

Hi, I’ve read the entire thread as I’m having a similar issue. However, mine was never an upgrade. One day, I wasn’t able to see the NAS on the network so I powered it down and power it back on – well, that power on is the exactly what netkkidtruth has explained and it has been 5 days with the fan blasting and no activity on the disks. Did you manage to figure this out? Any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated.

Did you ever sort this out?

I’ve got the exact same issue with my PR4100. I have 4x WD Red drives installed, but had just been in the process of upgrading the memory modules from 2x 2GB to 2x 8GB drives for the max upgrade. First boot up following the chip change, and I get this from the NAS…

There’s no data on any of the drives, so not worried about losing data.

I’ve tried the 4 second and 40 second reset - made no difference. Still had the blinking blue power light and all four drive lights were lit and solid.

I managed to get this to work by shutting it down, removing all the disks, and starting it up. Sure enough, it booted up. I think insert the disks and let it do its thing. I hope this helps.

Hello Cerberus

Many thanks for the reply. To answer your questions:

  1. Are the new memory modules still installed?
    No, not anymore. I’ve removed them and tried booting up again with no memory modules in at all. When that didn’t make any difference, I tried booting up with the original memory modules. It still didn’t work, and still wouldn’t boot up properly and settle down. I left it for 20-30 mins each time before trying something different.

  2. Have you tried reinstalling the old memory modules?
    Yes, see Q1

  3. Is the fan running at full speed?
    Yes, I think so. I’ve got another PR4100 (which is running perfectly) and silently, so I’d say the fans were going at full blast just like the OP of this thread experienced.

  4. Does the LED display always say “Welcome to My Cloud PR4100”?
    Yes, that’s correct. It never changes.

  5. Do you recall the NAS firmware version?
    No, I’m afraid not. I’ve never checked it, and I know that it was set to auto-update the firmware as and when new ones become available.

I also raised a support ticket with WD. All they’ve said is:

"Thank you for contacting Western Digital Customer Service and Support. My name is Zoey G.

As I understand your WD My Cloud PR4100 is inaccessible. I apologize for inconvenience caused to you. I am here to assist you.

Please allow me to inform you that as your WD My Cloud PR4100 device blinking blue LED which leads to many reasons such as system shutting down, system not ready, downloading or installing firmware update or system rebooting. So I would suggest you to as sometimes it will take time to reboot device completely so kindly wait for 7 days and then try to access your device.

You may also refer below mentioned article to understand more:

What Do LED Blinking White, Blue, or Solid Amber Mean on My Cloud?"