Possible power supply and reformating problems?

I’ve used various models of My Passport, and think it’s a great product.

I need to use either the 500Gb or 750Gb versions, but have heard of potential problems with the necessary power supply requirements and inability to reformat the drives.

I’m using a new(ish) WinXpPro laptop, and considering using specific backup software (Rebit) on the drive, not the default WD software.

Could anyone advise?

i don’t see there would be any problem with PASSPORT on your LAPTOP…

plugin the USB cable directly to laptop no usb hub , no extendsion cable…

if still the drive doesn’t work the last solution would be to use POWER BOOST CABLE and that should be it

Thanks for this. I’d heard there could be power supply problems with the larger WD drives, but I will try it out.

I’m more concerned with being able to reformat the 750Gb My Passport drive for use with other backup software.  Again, I’d heard that there could be a problem removing or disabling the default WD software, which I don’t want to use.

Both comments were from Amazon customer feedbacks on the My Passport range.