Plugin for WD Readyview in a Browser

When access readyview with a browser - the browser tells me it needs a plugin to display the cameras. What plugin do I load ? (Firefox, IE, and Chrome all have the same message)

I found it does not work with Firefox. With IE I was prompted to add a plugin, after which it worked fine.

IE seems to be the only browser that will allow you to download the plugin, the plugin downloads from the NVR.

use internet explorer not edge

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Just adding this solution from another thread:

Can you provide the path on the NVR to get the plug-in for IE?

The WD ReadyView has a Web user interface. At this time, only the device reset and collecting logs are supported through this interface.

To access the web interface, the device’s IP address will need to identified. The device does not have a netbios name. The router table should list the attached devices and show the IP address. The device MAC address should also be shown which will help verify the device.

Enter http://{NVR IP address} into the browser’s URL field. (e.g.

Authenticate with the admin username and password

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thank you. I got it working using IE and pulled down the add-in.

I wish they have the app for Windows and Mac OSX. They already have to app for IOS and Android.

I can’t get the Plugin in IE to run ? I get AN add on for this website fail to run ?

you guys dont need it. just use a monitor on the NVR itself. the phone app has like 10% of the features on it that the NVR actually has available. try it with a mouse and a monitor. you’ll see that the phone apps are almost useless garbage and mostly only useful for monitoring your house while away. not good for setup or reviewing events.

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Don’t even try to use the browser. I have been using the app from Uniview itself and it is a lot better then from WD.

From the link above, I am using both for my Mac system and Windows 10 system. It is call EZstation. I only use the Uniview app for Android phone which you can only use when you are at home. The phone app load fast and able to view my cameras instant when there is an alert.

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I tried the EZstation software but there is a 5 to 10 second delay. Anyone know how to correct this problem?