Phot Metadata / Stars


I recently got a WDTV Live Hub, and have so far put my music and photos on there, moving on to my recorded tv collection soon. I see that the Hub has a ratings system for the photos, and was wondering if there was any way to have the system read the ratings from the files, which are set using Windows Live Photo Gallery. Since the metadata is saved in the file, I don’t see a problem here in principle.

So, questions:

  1. Where does WDTV Live Hub keep it’s metadata for photos? (and for that matter, everything else?)
  2. Does WDTV Live Hub read any metadata from photos? If so, from which fields in the metadata?



I don’t believe the hub uses any metadata from photos. The rating system is purely an internal thing.

Thanks richUK - I was afraid of that :(. Is there a way to access the internal rating system? (Or wherever the hub keeps stores the picture settings?



To my best knowledge, all ratings on the hub are only stored until you turn it off and re-compile the media library, so no point in trying to access it… I know, it **bleep** :cry:

ouch – double whammy. Alright, my plan for having a syncing program between my Win7  & Hub just went down the drain…
