Organizing TV shows on the WDTV Live streaming

I was curious if anyone has any recommendations on how to organize tv series on a hard drive. Currently I have my hard drive organized in folders with the following structure: Show_Name/Season/Episode. I have a few problems with how this works when i use the player. First, no metadata for the show is displayed when you scroll through tv shows, it just gives a blank folder and states N/A for all the data for the show. Secondly when I go in to the episode folder it orders them episode 1, episode 10, episode 11, episode 2, episode 3…etc. even though the shows are named S1E01, S1E10…etc. The Metadata seems to blow away the 0 in episode number so they dont order correctly. Please let me know if you have any suggestion on solving either of these problems.

I’ve organized my shows like this: TV Shows[Show name]. It works for me though I am contemplating if I should add an extra folder for each season. I use WDTVHubGen for my metadata and movie sheets and it sorts the files properly on the SMP.

When I browse the TV Shows folder I see a poster for each show and when I enter the folder I see all episodes with their metadata and images.

Hi, I am following another Thead about backgrounds for folders, which is not a feature supported at the moment. You suggest from you set up you see a backgound as you go throu the folders. Can you confirm you are getting background images for each folder, or am i just reading it wrong. Thanks

amelch05 wrote:

I was curious if anyone has any recommendations on how to organize tv series on a hard drive. Currently I have my hard drive organized in folders with the following structure: Show_Name/Season/Episode. I have a few problems with how this works when i use the player. First, no metadata for the show is displayed when you scroll through tv shows, it just gives a blank folder and states N/A for all the data for the show. Secondly when I go in to the episode folder it orders them episode 1, episode 10, episode 11, episode 2, episode 3…etc. even though the shows are named S1E01, S1E10…etc. The Metadata seems to blow away the 0 in episode number so they dont order correctly. Please let me know if you have any suggestion on solving either of these problems.

Your files will be displayed wrong you need S01E01 NOT S1E01, for them to be in order, but personally if your splitting them up into seperate seasons you can remove the S1/S01 and just have them as 01 - title of episode this is how i do all mine anyhow:

Breaking Bad > Season 1 > 01 Pilot, 02 cats in the bag

Breaking Bad > Season 2 > 01 title, 02 title

Dexter > Season 1 > 01 title

Etc etc.

Hey amelch05

I use the same folder structure as you: ShowName\Season\Episode. I guess you use the metadata generated by the unit itself when choosing “Get content info”. If that is the case then the problem with the bad sorting that you’re experiencing is a fundamental one that WD hasn’t been able to solve yet. The issue is actually described in another  thread

The problem is that the episode number in the xml file generated doesn’t contain a zero before single digit numbers. You could of course edit your xlm files manually, but this is pretty cumbersome if you have a lot of files.

Regarding the thumbnails for tvshows and individual seasons, I’ve chosen to manually add relevant jpeg’s to the different folders.

I see the background images only when I am an the folder that directly contains the episodes. So I only see the background images once inside the seasons folder in my set up.