Old MySQL version how to upgrade

Continuing the discussion from mySQL on EX2:

Got WordPress installed on it and want to copy my WordPress Data to My Cloud EX2 Ultra with 3TB HDD in it.

I use UpdraftPlus to move it. But on the My Cloud EX2 Ultra is says this:

Error: The database backup uses MySQL features not available in the old MySQL version (5.1.56) that this site is running on. You must upgrade MySQL to be able to use this database.

How do I upgrade MySQL on this My Cloud EX2?

Hello, unfortunately I have never done this, lets see if another user can provide some information.

You cannot…you must use whatever MySQL DB version is bundled with the firmware.

It is a shame that WD bundles such an ancient (5+ yr old) version of MySQL that was released wayy back in Feb 2011 (go here and select that version to see for yourself → https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/community/ ). I have raised this issue of stale versions of bundled software for the past couple years, but nothing has changed on this aspect.

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