Offsite backup of My Cloud with Backblaze/CrashPlan/etc?

Hey. Anyone have it so their My Cloud is being backed up in a service similar to Backblaze? I’m thinking of having an additional backup of My Cloud offsite and thinking of the best way to do this.

One thought was to mount it so it appears as an additional drive so BackBlaze can pick up on it. Thoughts?

Some advanced Users have added off-site backup features such as RSYNC. It may be possible to use additional services.

However, please bear in mind this is not supported by Western Digital.

Hello and welcome to the WD Community.

I haven’t seen any post related to using Backblaze remotely with the WD My Cloud.

Let’s see if any of the users can share any info about it.

About crashplan, see if the following link help

Podría utilizarse la app: StableBit - The home of StableBit CloudDrive, StableBit DrivePool and the StableBit Scanner
para añadir la unidad de red a nuestro pc como si fuera un disco duro y, así, poder ser reconocido por BACKBLAZE?
Alguien lo ha probado?