No writable WD smartware partition found

Hi, I hope you can help me with a stinky problem.

I have a MyBook essential (Windows - have previously used it on Vista mostly) which I managed to screw up password entry for, and needed to erase. I have the original data still, so this was tedious, but probably manageable. However, the erase function did not work properly and I got an error message. Disconnected drive, reconnected: it now says that the drive is unlocked, but that there is ‘No writable partition found’. The light indicators on the front of the drive are still showing the same amount of storage as they were before I attempted the erase.

Is this drive now completely inert or is there a way of recovering a writable partition? I really hope you can help me! Thanks!

Are you trying to erase the whole drive? If so just reformat it. You might try deleting the driver in device manager, remove HD poperly, reboot, then plug drive back in. I had a drive is read only error and that fixed it and a couple other problems.
