No Sound - randomly!

Just puchased the WD TV live and hooked it up to my TV. Installed the latest firmware.

Whenever I play any kind of media (tried it with .mkv (AAC sound), .avi (MPEG sound) and a simple .mp3 tune) the sound randomly doesn’t start. When I re-start the file it sometimes works then. In a video, though, when I forward it can happen that the sound is missing again after resuming the video playback.

Is that a common issue? Is it related to a specific audio codec? I hope anyone can let me know how to fix this. Otherwise this device is useless :frowning:

Me again. Just hooked it up at my friend’s TV (Samsung LCD). It worked without any audio problems!

On my Toshiba though I found out it is related to the HDMI connector. It’s the same cable as when tried with the Samsung described above. But strangely the Toshiba randomly doesn’t get the audio signal from the HDMI. When I use the Toshiba remote and switch HDMI channels back and forth the sound comes back up! Strange…

Anyone experienced this issue??

I have the same problem sometimes. Usually a restart of the unit solves the problem.

I also have a Toshiba TV. Though having said that I have found the same issue with other TV’s. The problem seems fairly randon though.

I just tested with another Toshiba TV and it worked fine.

The problem DOES occur on the Toshiba 42RV555D

It does NOT occur on a Toshiba 32C3000P

What is your TV’s model? Maybe this can be addressed by a firmware update…