No Internet, View on Computer or TV

Is this possible? The app does not seem to work over LAN WIFI…

Any suggestions?

It ONLY works with internet explorer AND you must install the plugin. It is downloaded from the NVR and you MUST make sure that you download, close internet explorer, THEN install the plugin. Not following these steps will cause a variety or issues.

did you ever really get an answer to your question??? I just bought the system because “it didnt require the internet to work.” and I am having difficulty getting it to work becauese, I dont have an internet connection

I did not

Hi @emsimankowicz,

Use of the mobile app will require an internet connection. @psalkowski is right about the web UI.

You should be able to use the system without an internet connection by connection a monitor/TV and mouse; however, there are likely firmware updates for the NVR and the cameras so it would be a good idea to connect the system to a network with internet access at some point just to update.

don’t let it update. they are bricking them so they stop working. everyone is complaining about them just suddenly not working anymore. so did mine. all 4 cameras say empty port now after a few days of not working via cellular connection. whole system is now dead