No CAPCHAs to log in!

Please make it so you only need to complete a CAPCHA to reset your password or after several failed login attempts.  The CAPCHAs are way to hard to read and I spend an extreme amount of time trying to figure out if I am typing in the wrong password or reading the blurred cluster of letters wrong.  I can’t imagine anyone with any vision problems whatsoever being able to log in, so add a bunch of kudos to my total for all the people who can’t even log in to do so.


That would be great. :smiley:

We are working on simplifying the capchas.  But they aren’t going away.

Bill_S wrote:

We are working on simplifying the capchas.  But they aren’t going away.

Why not? It is unusual to have captcha at log in.

Don’t worry, they’ll be much simpler.