NFS copying is too slow on WD MyBookLive

Hello everyone,

I have some situation, requires a deep setup. I should use WD MBL for backups of ESXi virtual machines, that requires NFS. As I know WM MBL supports NFS shares.

Next step I started to search and found this one:
Ok, NFS mount of Public directory is enough for me.

I have tried to copy some files using 1GB Ethernet via CIFS/SMB file sharing and everything was ok, but when I used NFS
 94 minutes for 16Gb backup is killing me.

How to tweak for a good speed? May be I need to change some settings on NFS server using SSH?
It’s not easy to browse here, because this firmware has limited number of packages inside.

Any ideas or URLs are wellcome.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Problem solved. The solution is here:

  1. Make sure you have connected with 1GB/s speed:

     # ethtool eth0 | grep "Speed"
     Speed: 1000Mb/s
  2. Edit settings of your NFS server:

     # vi /etc/exports
     /nfs *(rw,all_squash,sync,no_subtree_check,insecure,anonuid=500,anongid=1000)

Change the “sync” option to “async” to improve perfomance, than press: Esc, :, w, q, Enter. Restart your NFS server:

    # /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server reload

(Discussion was here)

WARNING! ‘Async’ option brings some risk if when NFS-server craches. But I didn’t find how to speed up NFS on MBL other way. So if your power supply is not stable DO NOT USE ‘async’ mode.

3 .Disble some usefull services (optionally).

  # /etc/init.d/netatalk stop
  # /etc/init.d/upnp_nas stop
  # /etc/init.d/mDNSResponder stop
  # /etc/init.d/orion stop

NFS needs portmap. Don’t stop it!
(Discussion was here: here)

Hope it helps others.


Thank you for sharing the outcome. Hopefully this information will be useful to other Users in need.

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