Newby asks: Destination Folder in Setup of New MCM

Just installed my MCM.

I have access.  

Setting up backup and I wish to backup from USB to NAS.

My external USB 3.0 (1.5 TB) is connected (via the USB) on the back of the MCM.

I have always kept my documents and files on an external HDD rather than the pc HDD. It is a personal preference.

I wish that 1.5TB hdd to continue to be my main file storage, … and for the MCM to backup that 1.5 TB hdd in RAID 1, and mirror the backup in the 2nd drive of the MCM.

I know the source folder: EXPANSION 1  (which I hope allows for backup of all the data  from Expansion 1, since I can only check one box, i figured check “Expansion 1” – ??,

(Or is there another way to back up all folders from and external hdd, since there are multiple folders in expansion 1: “expansion 1” is also something which I can not seem to rename)

However, the big question is:

What is the DESTINATION folder?

My cholces seem to be, under my MCM

Public,  (Unsure?)

SmartWare (maybe?)

TimeMachineBackup (who knows?)

XXX (my son will have full access), so not likely this folder

These above are the only folders available in teh backup portion under my MCM.

Thus: Which is the destination folder for setting up the MCM into?

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

I suspect I am supposed to backup the 1TB USB hdd to TimeMachineBackup, and need to determine how to get the files from the 1TB external HDD to the Timemachine Backup for it to sync on a regular basis.

Please kindly further advise.

OK, so I took a plunge and set up the USB backup from Expansion 1 to to “TimeMachineBackup”.

But do I choose the setting of  COPY or SYNC? , since the USB 3.0 1tb hdd is an active drive that is constantly updated.

Please advise.

No, TimeMachineBackup is designed as the target folder for Apple Time Machine backups (Time Machine is Apple’s built-in back-up program on Macs).

What you need to do is create a new share (from the ribbon menu on the MCM dashboard, select shares and then the folder/+ icon to make a new one). You can name it what you like, and then either make it public or private (and if private grant the users set up on your MCM either no, read-only or full read/write access).

The new share will then appear alongside the existing ones (Public, Smartware, TimeMachineBackups etc) and you can use it as your target folder.

One other point, your transfer from the USB to the NAS will be a one-off, not a recurring thing. So the copy or sync won’t happen unless you trigger it. There are ways to hack the NAS to make it automatically repeat using Cron - see this post for details on how to do that. Note it involves SSH and altering the MCM’s internal set-up, which may well invalidate your warranty.