I’m a newbie who needs some advice. I have Dell XPS with two 750 GB hard drives. I was using D as a backup for C, but now my computer says it does not have enough space to back up C, although the WD Smartware says that I only have about 436 GB of data on C (don’t understand why not - is it the system image that takes up so much space? I’m a bit confused about what to back up as you can tell).
So now I have the WD external hard drive and am backing C up to it. I would like to either 1) keep using D as a backup for select files (e.g., photos, video), or 2) have the WD drive back up both internal hard drives. What would you suggest, and can you give me directions on your preferred method? Thank you so much.
Hi, I would connect the hard drive and copy the files that I would like to backup manually.
Thank you for your reply. I’m still confused I’m afraid. I have backed up C without difficulty. If I now select D for backup, will those files be kept separate from the C files? I haven’t found a way to save individual files or folders. Perhaps you can include a link to an FAQ or other resource in your reply if this is too time consuming (I know this is elementary stuff, but I’m not finding the software instructions very helpful). Thanks again.
Yes, they will be separate, if you explore the backup folder inside the external hard drive (smartware.swstor), you will see that it has the same folder names that you have in your computer, you will see one folder for each hard drive.
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