New users cannot connect remotely to WD2go

There is a problem. On the same computer, I can access with internet explorer, and I can browse the content, upload files etc., while Firefox can’t access the device remotely and says it’s “disconnected”. Digging further, I tried to add the device security certificate to Firefox, and it rejects it as a “weak” certificate (FF v. 41.0).

Worse, it was working correctly on FF during the phase.

At the very least, something was done that now prevents FF from working with Other browsers can be impacted, but I can’t test that at the moment.

[edit] Digging even further, it is related to this error : ; Mozilla won’t accept weak certificates anymore. I’m still at fw lvl 4.04.303, I don’t know if the webserver configuration was ugraded to a more robust certificate on .308.