New user: files not shown and no access Windows 7


i am struggling to have access in explorer to my networkdrive WDMYCLOUDMIRROR. Each time i want to access my synchronized drive in Windows 7 i get asked for a networkpassword. Is there an easy (dutch) manual which works…?

Second question: if i look to My Cloud OS3 End of Service | Western Digital muziek/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/ i see only a few listed musicmaps.
When i look on my iphone to mycloud there i see all my musicmaps listed. Why there is a diffrent?

In order to map a network drive, it is required to enter password details. You may check mark the remember password option on the Enter Credential window so that you need not to enter password again. Otherwise, you can remove the password protection from the dashboard so that you won’t be asked to enter credentials again.

For second issue: you should try to access this on another web browser as mostly web browsers unable to load complete file list…