New Release - WD Smartware Version 2.1.0 for Windows (7/1/13)

Thank You for your help jubei04 for escalating this to support.

I recieved a phone call last Monday and was told they would get back to me on Thursday 16th, but guess what I never heard from WD again.

Thanks again for trying mate, but this is what they keep doing to me. I wont hold my breath.



Hi Gerry5039, please check your private messages. 

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I can’t find this version manual.

Is there a WD Smartware Version 2.1.0 for Windows (7/1/13) PDF instruction manual ?


I’ve upgraded to WD SmartWare 2.1.0 (7/1/13) for My Passport Essential (USB 3.0) 500GB.

I previously used WD SmartWare 1.4 on my OS Win8 64-bit with no problem…but since WD SmartWare was updated, important display issues occured: the backup screen is never refreshed during the backup process! I never know if the backup is complete or not. The display is frozen but the backup operates on my external hard drive.

I tried to uninstall and reinstall without success: always the same problem! When is the next update of the software?



Today, WD SmartWare has been updated to 2.2.0 automatically…but same display issues ! :confounded:

See the following screenshot :

Where can this display issue come, knowing that I had not with 1.4.x ???


OS Win 8 64-bit.


Without WD support, I finally found myself the BUG in WD SmartWare 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 that caused display issues in backup and welcome screens…

I use My Passport Essential (USB 3.0) external drive to backup TWO computers (desktop PC1 + notebook PC2). So I’ve got in the root, the following directories :

\WD SmartWare.swstor\PC1      that contains the backup of PC1

\WD SmartWare.swstor\PC2      that contains the backup of PC2

For example, if I want that the software works correctly on the PC1 , I need to move the backup of PC2 from \WD SmartWare.swstor  to the root of the external drive then I can launch WD SmartWare and use it normally ! Once the backup is complete on PC1 , I close the software and I move again the backup PC2  to its original directory…

This is the only way to run the WD SmartWare software on two computers properly !

There really is a big BUG in these versions and WD developers need to quickly adjust and update the software !


With the new release of the SmartWare 2.2.0, this thread is now closed.