New life for old My Cloud

Back to basics

I’ll keep this simple. I have a WD My Cloud which I’ve had some time. I have a new laptop and I’d like to get the My Cloud going just on my home network.

The language WS uses can be confusing. To just allow my laptop runing WIndows 11 to access files on the unit if it’s plugged into my router, do I need anything from WD - Software wise?

It’s some time since I powered it up and I have had to order a new power adapter having mislaid the original

If a member of this community can offer me a guide answering mt query, I’d be very grateful I also have a My Book Live older than the My Cloud. Again, using the parameters of use mentioned above, shouldn;t this work? Thanks in anticipation - Keith


Are you able to provide the exact device you have? Is it a My Cloud Home, WDMYCLOUD etc. What operating system?

For the My Book Live have you looked at this link in the Community?
Latest WD Legacy Products topics - WD Community

Hi, that was a very prompt response. OK, the model is as follows: WDBCTL0030HWT

WD My Cloud Home.

I am running Windows 11 I recall trying to get a previous laptop to find it and not getting anywhere, but I can;t detail what I was doing as it was a long time ago.

If this is what you have


It’s not a My Cloud Home.

Are you able to get to the Dashboard? If yes, what Firmware does it have?

This shows my old WDMYCLOUD and it has OS3, can no longer be used online so I have it set up for use on my home network.


Hello again, I can’t do anything with the device at the mo as I am waiting for a power dupply for it. The drive doess look like the one in the picture.

And to repeat, I am not at all bothered about it linking to the WD cloud. I want it as storage on my home wireless network. I will review the PDF you went. Keith

Having looked at the PDF of the My CLoud home, I confirm it isn’t that. It’s the one in the picture.

Setting it for use as a storage here at home is my goal, Probably best to wait for the power supply to come, power it up, plug it into my Virgin hub.router and see if I can see it.



I’ll give you the User Manual for the first generation device. It uses OS3 and Firmware I showed in my last reply, Version 04.05.00-353.

The second generation can be updated to use OS5 and has a different Firmware.

Thank you, when the new power supply comes, I will let you know how I get on. I am quite a good trouble shooter, been messing with PCs since the mid 80s, but I do struckle with anything to do with networks. Talk soon.


Hello, bad penny again. The new power supply arrived on a Sunday (Royal Mail) very odd. Powered up the WS device and is plugged into my Virgin router. I think the good news is that I can see it on my network in Wwindows and double clicking opens up . To answer your question about firmware, here is the paste and the device conformed firmware is up to date. Current Version WDMyCloud v04.05.00-342 : Core F/Wgat I am looking for, it to be able to view the files currently on the device from when it was last used.
Last Update Thursday, October 03, 2019 3:22:38 AM

What I want to do is view the files on the device from when I last used it. I am not sure there. If you can direct me. As we’ve discussed, I don’t want anything but for my laptop to see the device and allow me to open files save files as if it were a logical drive. I don;t require and WD cloud as we know it is too old.

Can I post screencaps in this message window?

Yes I can yippee. If I can impose on your good nature to achieve my goal, I will be out of your hair. Keith

Try this, see image below. try wdmycloud and if that doesn’t work use the name you gave your device and try that. Example \\backupdrive



Where are you typing that devive name please?

Here’s a snapshot of the network

I’ve spoken to a friend but he’s in hospital so not in a position to hel much. He said type \soxercloud into the top address bar in Windows Explorer. If I do this, for some off reason it opens the Opera browser (not default on this machin) and them I get the WD page as below

To open up my shares/files I type it into File Explorer>Home as shown in my earlier images. I delete Home and then enter the address \\wdmycloud or I can select it if it shows in the drop down list.


Here is what I have setup in my Dashboard>Settings>Network.

Unfirtunately I am not getting it. I told you networking is Harry Potter to me. Leave it with me, I will have another look when I am not tired.

Thanks for the help so far

You won’t believe this. There is a tool in Win 11 file explorer to connect to a media server. I clicked it and in 20 seconds, it put an icon in explorer. I clicked ans my filders are there.

I’m thick but I am tenacious and thick. Thank you for all your help. Keith