New firmware v2.11.133

If I cannot access the web interface and Dashboard how can I do a system only restore?

I am about to get some gasoline and get it on fire!

I believe you turn off the NAS. Press and hold the reset button in as you turn on the NAS and keep the reset button pressed in for a further 45 seconds. I think this is in the manual. Check. I’ve never tried this method of a system only reset.

Please do tell if this works or not.

What would be interesting to know is what was the lead-up to the dashboard failing or did it simple fail without warning, meddling or prompting. Was there any specific thing(s) you was doing at the time and then the dashboard just decided to die?

I did the reset as you describe. As Admin I can enter the Dashboard but I cannot see and do anything.
I have another user and if I enter I can see files, rename and all that stuff.

Something happened in the last week. The box did an upgrade by itself as soon as I set it up.
After that I installed the software like WD Quick View and it was saying it was upgrading.Again???

Today I decided to enter the Dashboard and I realized it is stuck.
I am very disappointed.


you might try a different browser or delete the cache in your browser
or return it :slight_smile:

My 2100 auto-updated to .133 and after that worked for the rest of the day. That night I shut it down due to weather issues that never came to fruition. The next day tried a boot up which never completed ( blue power light flashing forever ). Tried all the various solutions, reset etc., with no success. Exchanged the 2100 at the retailer. Put the new 2100 on manual update. Not sure I want to try .133 on the new 2100.
Only problem with the new 2100 is red drive lights, but drives Healthy and work correctly. Raid Roaming Enabled.


Anyone have a copy of this firmware they would be willing to send to me? I would like to update to the current .140 firmware but would like to be able to roll back in case there are issues.

The firmware is on

Mike, installed the firmware via. dashboard. Installed without problems.