Network connection problem

Hello, I have a problem with network connection on WDTV Live Streaming (gen3). My WDTV doesn’t see my Wi-Fi Network. In options I can choose only one Wi-Fi network (in my case this is THOMSON-xxx-xxx). In my home I have 5-6 Wi-Fi Networks, but I see only one. If I’m using LAN connection - it works. My router - ZyXEL Keenetic Ultra. Can you solve this problem?

P.S Sorry for grammar mistakes, if there are.

Welcome to the Community.

Can you share the settings you are using with the other routers? Channel, network mode, and frequency?

2.4Ghz, Auto channel. 

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

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Support service is not responding to me
