Need help setting up QOS on N900 router with PS4

Hello all,

I am looking to use the QOS settings on the N900 to secure my connection for gaming on PS4. I followed the indications in the link below, but instead of doing port forwarding, i enabled the QOS settings on all the ports used by the PS4. Is that how its supposed to work? Should i only do port forwarding to get my desired results? 

Here are the instructions i followed:

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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Port-forwarding and QoS are different things. Port-forwarding is done to ensure traffic will reach its intended destination, while QoS manages priority in case there are multiple services using your bandwidth. Both are needed for their particular tasks.

Hello mr Trancer,

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my query, but i would dare say that this does not answer it however. I very well understand that port forwarding and QOS are different things.

My question is: why is it that connection still fluctuates when i create a static IP on my PS4, then apply the QOS parameters to all the ports that the PS4 uses on that IP adress. I am not a wizz when it comes to that sort of thing, but those instructions are pretty clear, and the N900 router should be good enough to do it, so why doesnt it work? My internet connection speed is 30mbps and i have done the speed tests on those websites and they confirm im getting what i pay for, so this should work yet it doesnt.

Any thoughts?

There could be something else affecting performance and/or stability. Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

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