MYSQL startup configuration for replication

Am attempting to replicate several of the MySQL databases on the My Cloud EX4. Normally this would involve making changes in the /etc/my.cnf file for setup. Since this is a read-only file system, this is not possible.

I have successfully configured replication by stopping Mysql server and restarting with the configuration in the command line. However, this is temporary, until the server is restarted. (/usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/HD_a4/.@
database@ --user=root --log-error=/mnt/HD_a4/.@database@/rranch1.err --pid-file=
/mnt/HD_a4/.@database@/ --server-id=1 --bind-address=192.168.185.
22 --log_bin=/mnt/HD_a4/@database@/mysql-bin.log --binlog_do_db=MyVideos99 -
-binlog_do_db=MyMusic56 ssl)

Any idea on how to make this startup automatic?

There are no support articles available related to what you would like to accomplish since such proceedings are not warranted or supported by WD.

Hopefully an experienced User will be able to assist.