Several times a day all clients with 2.4GHz connections (iPhones, Android, Win10 PC, MacBook, iPad) lose the ability to browse. However, I can still ping Google and TWC DNS servers - it’s just the browsing that fails. No problems with the 5GHz connections. Rebooting or power cycling the router fixes things for a while.
I’ve tried telneting in and running the “mfc fan highspeed” command as mentioned in other posts. The temperature dropped from 58-60 to 42-45, but that didn’t solve the problem.
I don’t understand why browsing is affected but not other network operations like ping or tracert commands. I guess it could be that only certain protocols (i.e. http) are affected. Does anyone have any ideas about this?
I read all the posts here and tried various fixes but haven’t found a definitive solution to this problem. Since WD seems to have abandoned everyone on a sinking ship regarding their routers, I won’t feel bad about ditching this piece of hardware and avoiding future WD hardware purchases.