MyCloud Not Recognized

I have had My Cloud for about 2 years. It worked great until about three days ago. When I access the File Manager it show my Y Cloud as (Red X through the device icon) public(\wdmycloud) (Z:). When I click on that an error message states, "An error occurred while reconnecting Z: to (\wdmycloud\public…Microsoft Windows Network: The Network Path was not found. This connection has not been restored. I am an old man with little experience. Please help is you can. Thank you. I’ve spent hours online trying things that were suggedted by others, But my experience is very limited. I have many photos and documents stored on the drive and do not want to lose them. BTW the little on the front of the My Cloud device in steady blue. I have the My Cloud plugged directly into the Moden via Ethernet cable. Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give me.

That suggests that the MyCloud thinks that it is working correctly, and has a good connection to your modem/router; that’s a relatively good sign, and hopefully means that your data is still intact.
However, you should also check the state of the LEDs on the Ethernet port at the back of the MyCloud; they should be solid/flickering.

So, this probably leaves us with a problem with Windows, or the modem/router.

What version of Windows are you running?
Has Windows had an update recently?
Have you modified any Windows network settings recently?
Have you installed, updated or modified any software recently?
Have you updated or modified any firewall software you have running?
Have you tried unmapping the network drive for Public (Z:), and re-mapping it?

Have you tried rebooting the modem/router?

Thank you for your quick response. The lights on the back of the unit are green. One is solid and the other is flickering. I have Winbows 10. No updates recently to my knowledge. No modification of settings. My firewall settings have not changed. I don’t know how to map/unmap network drives. I did try rebooting the modem/router. I looked under device manager and it doesn’t show my cloud. Thanks.

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In File Explorer, select the drive you wish to unmap. Right-click on the drive, and hit ‘Disconnect’.

When you re-connect (‘Map Network Drive’), be sure to tick both the ‘Re-connect at sign-in’ and ‘Connect using different credentials’ boxes. Enter your MyCloud username and password. Repeat for all MyCloud Shares you wish to map.

The MyCloud is connected via your network, so it’s not strictly a device that Windows can manage. It is a server, that Windows is a client of, using one of a number of server protocols (file server, media server, etc).

Whilst there does seem to be a ‘device’ for the MyCloud, it only tells Windows about the Twonky Media Server, and a description of the device as a NAS. I don’t think it is used to actively manage the device; it probably just provides pretty icons in File Explorer…