MyCloud EX2 - experiencing slowdown - how do I diagnose?

Good day everyone,

I am a web developer that recently became an IT specialist and am not familiar with maintaining cloud storage. I’ve been tasked with investigating/fixing the slowdown we are receiving in the later parts of the day (3-5pm performance drops very noticeably).

What are some good programs or tools you all like to use to monitor usage of the server, it’s health, and suggestions on finding out why the cloud is constantly slowing down later in the day?

It’s been suggested to me that the slowdown COULD be because the cloud is seeing much more use at that time, but I would like to actually verify that. The cloud sits in a room where the temperature is about 73 F or so, so I don’t think its that.

Thank you in advance

As an IT specialist, I’m sure you know of suitable network traffic tools to monitor usage of the EX2. You might even know how to use SSH to log in to a Linux platform, and use Linux system monitor tools to see how busy the system is.

I’m literally on my second week of being an IT specialist, previously I was a jr web developer for two years before work dried up. I’ve got a lot to learn, all I have is my own personal knowledge I acquired from growing up and building computers. Never run a cloud before, so this is why I’m reaching out.

I’ll investigate that message forum some more tomorrow, thank you for the link. Seems like its specifically for the model of my cloud

WOW! Two weeks. Can you really claim to be a specialist after only two weeks. How much college do you have, especially in computer technology?

I have several college classes on computers and had to take some classes when I was working about computer programs we used. I have a library of computer books in my living room that I turn to when I need them. Have you looked at the User Manual for the EX2?

Check out the Forum for the EX2. Maybe someone there can give you information that will help you, in other words do your homework and job for you that you are getting paid to do. How did you manage to get this new job or perhaps promotion?

Maybe this will help too.

What a toxic community on these boards.

I’m happy to provide help to Joe Public, trying to sort out their personal storage.

I’m not so happy when someone is getting paid on the back of my advice. I still gave you hints as to how to proceed.

ahh yes, the ol’ “I can justify being a jerk because of my morals” stance. This may shock you to your core, but web developers and IT constantly do go on message boards to help troubleshoot an issue they are new to or having trouble with. If you’re really that sad I can send you a dollar.

Now that that is settled, I am replying to my own comment with the best method I found.

Anyway, PRTG was what I was looking for, as well as entering the cloud name into the browser to log in (example-cloud/ in your URL), then going to settings, then utilities and taking advantage of the diagnostic tools on there. Using auto-rebuild seemed to help somewhat and was fine to use during business hours because it runs in the background as a very low priority task, so users were not affected. There still is some slight slowdown during the later parts of the day but I feel thats just how the hardware performs and everything is as fine as it can be.

PRTG is a free network monitoring program

I have an associates in Computer Science and have been building/maintaining/etc my own computers since the days of BBS’s.

And books? Whoopty do. Books get outdated rather quickly in the tech field eh? When I was getting certified in SEO and Adwords, three months later a significant amount of things changed and made some of my knowledge deprecated.

Oh, and your link was bs. The correct answer should have been

-enter your cloud name into the url in your browser
-go to settings
-go to utilities
-use the tools in there to check your hardware and look for problems
-get PRTG installed on your computer so you can monitor network health

maybe you should go here.

@cpt_paranoia and @cat0w,

I would just like to remind you both that these types of comments are not helpful and can be perceived as toxic. Please take note of our Community usage guidelines particularly under the “Be respectful” section. This will serve as a warning. Please keep comments on topic and respectful. Personal attacks are not tolerated.

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