MyBookLive how to check the health of the HDD?

Hi All,

I have a WD MyBookLive (AP1NC) which has been up and running for many many years. Its a backup HDD accessed at around once a month for a few GB of files.
I was wondering, is there a tool to scan/check the health of the HDD and if it’s working properly without any bad sectors (or any other issues)?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @gp78
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

Hi @riyan_shaik,
Thanks for the link. I have just opened a case.

Hello All,
Although WD Support is quick to reply and happy to let me know about the build in functionality of MyBookLive. I have not reached a satisfactory answer to my question. I understand that the product has been discontinued, but my question is also a generic that can affect/help other NAS Solutions and owners

So i will try to re-phrase my question a bit to see if i can get a better response.

What software (MAC or PC) would you recommend to perform a health check on a network storage hard drive and identify any problems. It can be a paid or free software from any 3rd party company.

Thanks in advance.