My Wd Cloud - Oracle-Java page when accessing My WD cloud

I’m configuring my WD personal network for the first time from a Windows 8.1 OS.

When I try to access it though the link , I enter the email-password and  the user is properly recognized, but  a Network Device Password is requested.

When I enter it and press “Sign it” botton, the browser sends my an Oracle-Java page, without any other message.

What must I do or download?

Thanks in advance.

Additional information…

I’ve just checked the Java  version Java 8, release 25 and It’s the last one available, therefore I can’t do anything else…

Is this what you see?


If your answer is yes then click on Run.

Thank you for your input.

Unfortunately that’s not what I see.

What I see is  the following 2 screens:

thanks in advance

Can’t see your screenshots yet till mods approved. Based on what you’ve described, the browser is still using older JRE. I would uninstall java and clean its old version residue then reinstall the latest.

I’ve reinstalled the latest JRE version, but unfortunately the behaviour is the same.

Any additional idea?