My Passport Ultra won't open on Windows 10

I purchased a new computer with Windows 10. My Passport Ultra works fine on old computer with Windows 7. On the new one it spins and the activation light blinks. I can see the drive on My computer and I can open it and see the files but There is no WD icon to click on to see drive settings. I have updated drives on computer and all connection seem fine. Help!!!

Hello there,

if you are referring to the dive utilities, you can download them from the following link, this way you can get all the software you need to use your WD drive:

There you will see the download section, hope this helps.

i made a backup of all my files on wd my passport ultra over windows 7. I upgrade to windows 10, and It is possible to run wd backup but the file to be retored it not appears… can anybody help me on it??? thanks

Thanks or suggesting that link. I updated to latest drivers and software and now Passport Ultra icons are back on my desktop. Thanks again. It’s working fine again!