My Passport 2TB disconnecting and reconnecting

I just bought this external hard drive to use on my laptop.

On USB 3.0 it keeps disconnecting and connecting while I try to transfer files to it. Sometimes it says that I have to Format the WD drive.

I have also an Iomega USB 3.0 drive that is working perfectly and I updated all the USB 3.0 driver that are Fresco Logic to version

The strange thing is that on USB 2.0 it is working without problems.

I also updated the firmware to the latest available.

I also tried the Advanced Power Setting solution disabling the selective suspend setting, but no go.

Any solutions?

Thanks for the help.


P.S. If I need to buy an additional power supply I will return the product, No use on a laptop where all my USB ports are already taken.

For whoever is using a Fresco Logic controller on a Laptop I found the solution at the page linked below using the Fresco Logic driver.

Credits go to the guy who found the solution.

Western Digital should test their products better and know they have issues with Fresco Logic Controllers, lousy support, I had to give them the solution.
