My new Mycloud Home Not working?

There may be nothing wrong with the device and It may be possible to activate the MCH even if it is located outside of the supported area. You may just have to have it plugged in with internet and wait perhaps a week to 10 days. The MCH may not do back to back firmware updates, so it may just have updated to 7.16 and waiting a week to update to 9.4. You can read the OTA log yourself.

Similar situation may have happened to firmware updates of some MCH located in Russia in July 2022.

Jul 10

If everything is configured correctly and the port is available, then in the logs where errors are found in the wdc folder, the ota line should display the message timeout of the waiting time has passed type … Then leave it without touching it for a couple of days and it will update … If there are errors in the ota line, then the update will not pass, the port or address error will be written …this is all in the logs