My conversion of a DX4000 to Ubuntu Server

Hi User000001, and team, how are you?

First of thank you so much for your contrib on that topic.
A big thanks for the bios dump you sent me, it fixed m’y issue, I Also had to replace the chip itself because I guess it has been damaged physicaly.
I would like to ask you 2 things please:
- 1) regarding the SuperIO chip and the fan Control, you said that that everything is done in the OS. Could you please explain more?
I’ve installed in terminal command line, fancontrol and pwmconfig but the fan is not detected and still running at full speedy.
Any Idea or clue how to control it? You said in that topic, that the OS driver should take control of it, in my case I’ve installed OMV running on debian without graphic environment. Is it the reason why I can’t control the Fan?
-2) I’ve soldered the 2 extra USB port on J15 but none of the is working, I’ve checked the config in the Bios but do not see something obvious,any idea?
I soldered them as shown in the attached picture, based on the attached schematic.
I’ve measured the following at J15 pin 1 and 2:
5V_A: 0.25V and 5V_B: 0V
I diode mode (red probe to gnd):
0.450V for 5V_A
OL for 5V_B ( very weird: like it’s not attached any where)
Do you have the boardview pcb file and the schematics to locate the chip managing those 2 USB ports please?

Thanks in advance Best Regards
J15 Schematics

Best regards

For the USB, you will need to install F1 and F3 fuses. The pads for those components are right next to the wiring you have soldered to the pads for the USB connector. The fact that you measured 0.25V on one of the USB power pins, is not good, as it means that pin is shorted to something else. With no fuses present, you should measure 0V for both USB 5V pins.

I’m mostly a hardware modder. So, I don’t really know much about installing a fan controller driver in Linux. I’m certain that Ahorner has already done this though. WD-DX4000/ at master · alexhorner/WD-DX4000 · GitHub

The OS that handles the fan control natively is Windows Server 2008 R2. No other OS has built-in support for controlling the fan speed of this unit.

Also, for the USB fuses F1 and F3, I used 1 amp fuses rated for 16V (well above 5V).

On the subject of fan control, the original fan control driver used with Windows Server 2008 R2, reads both the CPU temperature and the drive temperatures. The drive temperature is read via so-called “Smart” cmds. I was not able to figure out how to do that, despite literally thousands of google search results purporting to demo it. All attempts resulted in a temperature of zero.

The drives represent the largest heat load in the DX4000 and ignoring that, hoping that the drive temp would magically drive up the CPU temp, didn’t seem a viable method. Due to this, I abandoned the Windows 10 on DX4000 project.

Thanks for the mention!

The fan is a normal fan upon the SuperIO chip, and is a standard PWM interface which can be found with the standard Linux Sensors package and controlled with the standard Linux fancontrol package too.

Seems its just like any other PWM fan controller accessible generically.

Also to note, the SuperIO chip has 3 (pretty sure its 3) PWM outputs. One is the fan, one is the LCD brightness and the last one is not connected to anything. So this means you could easily control the LCD brightness like you would a fan!

THANK YOU so much. This helped me out yesterday.

I was missing the red signal only, and upon closer inspection, noted the ferrite bead was torn off, along with the trace connecting to the nearby capacitor. I ran an AWG32 magnet wire across to the diode pad, and boom, fixed–I had full color back!




Hello User000001, do you have any information on signals available on J2 connector?


Nothing much of interest on J2 except pin 2 is +5V and pin 4 is gnd. The rest of the pins are open collector drivers for LEDs 4,5,6 and 7 in both colors. So, 8 pins total for the unused drivers. I don’t think these ever get asserted under any circumstances. These drivers are controlled by GPIO pins on U2 Platform Controller Hub. Since the DX4000 only has 4 drives 0,1,2,3 there isn’t any software to do anything with 4,5,6,7.