My Cloud with NAIM NDX "server not found"

If my Wireless Router gets interupted (power disconnected) result is - once power is returned and Wireless is working normaly again - My Cloud can not be read by my Naim NDX Streamer says “server cant be found”. The only “solution” I have found is to reinstall MANUALLY mycloud firmware from file. This is frustrating and highly inconvenient, anyone have any ideas how I can avoid this (other than making sure I never interupt power to my wifi), i have tried rebooting, restarting, rebuilding and any other option offered to no avail.

Have you set the MyCloud to have a static IP?

If you’re using dynamic IP, the router is likely to reassign the IP on re-boot, and the Naim might expect the server not to move…

Once an IP is assigned to a device, it’s a good idea to map it static, especially devices that are routinely on the network. This can be done via your router’s  control interface.

Thanks cpt_paranoia seemes to be working now.

Might want to go to the NAIM AUDIO forum (streaming audio).  This has cropped up there a couple of times and they, too, recommend setting the NDX streamer to static IP address.  Shouldn’t be necessary (it doesn’t happen to me) but I guess it depends on your network configuration, and they’re all somewhat different.

EDIT:  you should probably set your My Cloud NAS to a static IP address also.