My Cloud is not signing in on Windows 10 or even reinstalling the software

I logged in to my PC to open My Cloud. It showed it to be offline, not something i face the first time. My first solution is to log off my account and then log in and it almost always works. Today however it didnt work so i restarted the PC and tried to log in. It said login service unavailable, I made several attempts to try again restarting the PC a couple of times but nothing. I read online if this was a general problem which apparently it is not so the next best solution is to redownload the software. On doing that I got the error :frowning_face: Installation failed we are experiencing issues please try again later I retried around 5 times but same problem. I now dont have the WD software on PC now. I am able to access or view my files on the browser from the site. What could be the problem???
I just checked I couldn’t access the device from my android device as well

PS for some reason android is functioning now but all the problems related to PC are still there

I have the same problem. Tried signing in and got the same “login service unavailable” message. Likewise I can access via the web browser (but not Edge - as it’s not supported anymore!!!) and I can access via the Android app on the phone
It was all working fine yesterday (or as fine as the mycloud software seems to be able to)

Some help would be appreciated please WD

OK the software error was because i wasnt restarting the PC after reinstalling. Now the Software is installed i am back on square one which is

login service unavailable

Anybody has any other ideas?

i dont have a firewall blocking the services, at least i dont think there is because it was working fine a day ago and i made no setting changes



WD Servers / Software have a fault. See other posts re Share Link creation etc over the last 18 hours.

It is VERY IMPORTANT all people with these problems report this to WD directly. They do not act on these Forum posts.

So far WD do not appear to be accepting these problems as a WD issue their end, and treating each reported issue as a User equipment problem.

All Readers. Test your Drive re signing in, creating shares, and downloading from a link in a Browser and if you find a problem REPORT this yourself to WD immediately.

I want to report to WD directly but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that by some crash report or troubleshoot report. Or a error reference. WD does not seem to have a professional approach to these kind of problems. Even one would expect the software to restart the PC after uninstalling without which the uninstall process is incomplete for their software.

I’ve submitted a ticket. Hopefully I’ll get a proper response and not some kind of fob off blaming my PC

can you please tell me how you submitted the ticket. I want to the same but dont quite know how

I went to “Knowledge Base” at the top of this page then from the “My Support” on the next page is a dropdown menu with “Ask a Question” being the third option
Or go straight to the page here -

thank you
i did the same and submitted my ticket. lets see. Have you had any reply Scott?

No reply from them but the software had an automatic update and it worked this morning. How about you?

For me the same, working again.

thats good news. No update as of yet. Maybe it will take time to roll out to different countries

All the evidence points to it being a problem with WD’s Servers / Software, which they fixed. Individual Drives should not need an update.

Glad it’s working again

Yeah back to normal. WD please dont ever do that again.

Yes, absolutely.