My Cloud Fault error

Hi. I have a 4TB My Cloud which I purchased 4 years ago. Working great. However, the other day I logged in to the dashboard and saw a Caution message and the Drive Status shows “Fault”. I opened a support ticket and the technician who replied told me this means the device is faulty and must be replaced. Unfortunately it is no longer under warranty. I use this device for backups only, once per day, and the power save option is turned on. So 99.9% percent of the time it is in standby. So it is very disturbing that it failed. The weird thing is that it seems to be working fine. I just don’t know if I can trust the integrity of the device. It may just totally shut down without warning. Has anyone seen anything like this? Thanks a lot.

Do you own a My Cloud Home or a My Cloud? WDMyCloudImage

Are you using OS3 or OS5 if you have the WDMYCLOUD?

My Cloud Home does not have a Dashboard like the WD My Cloud has!

Thank you for your reply. It is My Cloud running the latest firmware version of OS5.