My Cloud Ex2 Ultra: Problem to access shared folders by NAS users

Hallo, I’ve a problemi with a My Cloud Ex2 Ultra that have this problem:
If I want to access to some shared Folders (folder1, folder2, folder3, ecc.) I can access only to some random of this. To other I’ve access denied.
Example: User: ut_web. Access R/W to all Folders.
-At one undefine time the folders folder1, 3 and 4 have access denied

  • I remove the permissions to this folders and reapply by the console, but the problem persist.
  • I create an alternative user ut_net and test it: all OK.
  • I update the firmware to 2.21.126 version. Now the problems to ut_web user persist and ut_net have restrictions to some folders (not necessary the same of the ut_web) too
  • I create a third user utweb and test all folders. Now it seems to function correctly, but until when?!?!?

The users can’t use the NAS until it’s reliable!!!
Where is the problem?
Have the underscore character in the name some influence?

thank you.

if its persist for old user. Recreate by deleting it and assigning them to groups .

Its the easiest way to set permission

By restrictions, do you mean the buttons for permissions automatically moved to lock out those accounts? The P2P folder used to do that to me, there was no way to stop it changing to Public even though I’ve removed it on purpose. But back to your topic, I don’t believe the underscore would create problems. If it would, WD would have blocked you from using it as a special character. Renaming my folder with an underscore does not seem to do anything here, but I’m not running an Ultra with your firmware. Could you try it with a - instead and see if that makes it better or worse? It could be a bug that they need to fix.