My Cloud EX2 Ultra on Mac OS X does not sync Parallels files


I have the EX2 Ultra now for a week to backup my files on a Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.6.
One of the folders I synced is the ‘Documents’ folder. Among other subfolders I have the folder for my Parralles virtual machines in there.
My problem now is that only the ‘Parallels’ folder is synced but not te content.
All virtual machines (*.pvm-files) are not synced to the My Cloud device!?!
But the status of My Cloud tells me ‘All fiels up to date’!?!

Why does My Cloud not sync my virtual machines files?

Thanks for any help…


I found that under Library–>Application Support–>WD Sync–>WD Sync (open package)–>Contents–>Resources there is a file called 'extensionExclusions.plist.
Inside this file I found an xml string ‘pvm’ as extension. I delete pvm from the list and restarted my Mac.
But still ‘WD sync’ status tells me ‘All files up to date’ and the Parallels folder inside the my Cloud backup is still empty - even stopping and restarting ‘WD Sync’.
It does not start syncing my pvm-files :-(. It seems ‘WD Sync’ ignores the ‘extensionExclusions’ file.
Is there any additional thing I have to do after deleting the pvm from the list?

I need the pvm-files on my backup!


Hello Mr. Burns

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support