My Book Live to work with windows


I do appreciate if someone can help me with this question. before I ask it I would give you a history.

My book Live 2TB had a steady yellow light after doing all recommendation on this page I realised that Drive is broken :frowning: I open it and take the hard drive out, bought a SATA to USB adapter and download linux reader.

I did recover all my data safely. Now the question is How can I use the hard drive as a normal hard drive that can be opened and backuped easly by windows? For that I think I need to format it to FAT32! Is that possible?

I opened it with disk management on windows and Found 4 drives all with different size!

Thanks for your help in advance

How can I use the hard drive as a normal hard drive that can be opened and backuped easly by windows?

If you do NOT use it inside MBL, yes. You can use it just as a normal USB drive.

For that I think I need to format it to FAT32! Is that possible?

Yes, like any USB drive. You might need a special format tool if the whole space is not listed.

It could also be NTFS.

Thanks for your feedback. Do you know any special tool to format such drives ? Appreciate your reply

With the Windows disk manager, you should be able to remove the existing partitions (backup relevant data first) and create one big partition afterwards.

See here:

and here:

Hope this helps