My Book Live NIC dead

Hi, I have a My Book Live 3TB drive, the unit started to make a pitching sound and then it just stopped working, turned out to be the Network Interface of the enclosure.

Took out the drive so now how can I get all my data from it?

Any suggestions are appreciated.


There are many post on the community regarding this topic.

Try researching a bit.

The downside is that your warranty is voided since the unit has been dismantled.

yes, look the debrick options, V1 deals with data recovery.

Also,read this…

Scary when people keep just one copy on ANY device for importat data…

OK, so lesson learned. This is what I ended up doing:

I bought another MBL drive, yes, but hear me out. Since it will cost me a fortune recover those 200GB of really important data I needed I decided to buy another one, rip it apart and use the NIC in the new one to access the old 3TB drive.

So now all data is safe.

Now, I still want to have a NAS but not one that encrypts my data so in case the hardware driving the NAS, not the HD, dies I’m stuck with same problem.

I have now two 3TB WD green drives, I want to use one for my NAS and use the other to back up the data from the NAS.

What do you suggest?

I’m looking for same functionality of the MBL, able to access from a WD Live Hub, my windows PCs, maybe iphone and Ipad, the idea is to be able to plug (maybe via eSATA) the second WD drive and back up directly.

Please any help will be useful (thinking about a synology 114)


First the bad… you just voided the warranty on new MBL as well.

The good… MBL does not encrypt the data. Hardly any NAS does, as far as I know. You just needed a way to read ext3 partitions.

This was the guide we referred you to…

 Step 2 deals with backup recovery.

Anyhow… my .02. buy a diskless NAS and add your own disk to it. There are a few options, at some point I had a dlink.

From there, the options are limitless for backup.

  • Back up NAS to NAS using rsync

  • Backup PC to two different NAS


BTW, MBL has no USB, or eSATA. So you cannot plug anything to it.

funny but I tried to read the data from the drive with linux reader but couldn’t, guess I did something wrong then. Anyway, data is safe now.

Any other suggestion on the diskless NAS? any comments on the Synology?

Some people claim Synology is the top of the line for home usage, a bit too expensive if you ask me. Never had one.

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