My Book Live Duo won't appear in Network

I haven’t used my old Mybook Live Duo for a long time but i wanted to perform a backup of my current NAS, and so i plugged this in, both the power and Ethernet appeared to give me green lights, i waited 5 minutes and tried mapping to it, since it wouldn’t appear in “this PC” but all i see is my present NAS appearing in the Network. not anything else.

I was able to find the IP with the Mac adress on the device, but copying the IP into the Network folder bar did not work. I can however access the drive in a webpage using that IP. not that i can access files or even see how to make it appear in windows networks, but i can access settings. So its not broken, just not talking properly with my computer. please help.

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Hi @Mike10,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

День добрый! Уважаемы, мне нужен совет. Есть у меня внешний накопитель, WD_Ethernet_6GB. После переустановки Windows, я забыл записать IP адрес устройства. Теперь не могу к нему подключится. Сбросить устройство не вариант, так как там есть важный материал. Что можете посоветовать? Поиск через IP Scanner результатов не дал.