My book essential

is it posible to recover items from a drive that has saved data in 32bit format to a new computer that is 64bit in windows11
if any one has any advice or know how i would like too hear
other wise i will loos years of stuff, thanks

32 bit and 64 bit is just the architecture that’s used between the operating system and the processor in the installed computer. They have no effect on how files are saved on the drive, and thus any architecture is able to read & write between each other.

If you used a particular program to back up your files to the drive, and it only supports 32 bit, you can still install it on a 64 bit operating system, but not the other way around. Just make sure that the program you are using works on Windows 11.

What you do have to watch out for is encryption. If your drive is encrypted, you will need to remove the encryption either with the original computer that you previously used your drive with, or with the original encryption key. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the data with another system.

As for file systems, Windows 11 should be able to access any file system that was used with previous versions of Windows, as well as MBR and GPT partition tables.

Morning thank you for your reply .