Moving to a new phone

i have a my cloud home 4TB single.
we have 4 smartphones with the mycloudhome app to backup the fotos.
my wife is getting a new phone (samsung) old phone also a samsung.
the MCH is making a new folder for every phone to backup. since there are 10000+ pictures on the devices and i swop the microsd from one to the other, i don’t need the same pictures twice in the MCH, in 2 folders.
Can I just move the pictures from the old phones folder, to the new one, to skip the painfully long sync?
or will this mess up some syncsystem in the background.

That is how it works, the MCH app doesn’t know you got new phones or how many files you are bringing over from the old phone.

The MCH mobile app is a simple one way sync app from phone to MCH, it doesn’t keep track of how many media files there are on the target folder, only a database of records of files on the phone is kept in the app’s cache. If the database is corrupt or cache deleted, it will try to start all over again.

MCH mobile app sync to —> one phone folder on the MCH for each phone

You can copy the files manually to MCH, but the mobile app will just sync another copy of the same file from the phone to the MCH folder.

Just because you could, doesn’t mean you have to. If you are tired of waiting for the sync and you only need to access about 1000 pictures on the phone, you can just keep 1000 on your phone and the app will have a lot easier time syncing because it only has to manage a database of ~1000 files on the phone itself going forward.

Be sure to make 3 copies of backup fro the media if they are important to you. The general rule is two separate copies onsite (your house for example, on different storage) and one copy off site (Google Photos for example, not your MCH).

Thank you for your time and expertise.
So the easy way is to just let it do a full new copy of all pictures and delete the folder from the old phone on the MCH.

my wife wants all the pictures fast, easy accessible and searchable all time, regardless of the internet connection availability. so just having 1000 pictures is not an option.

I do got backups like it is recommend.

  1. on the phones new bigger SDcard
  2. on the MCH
  3. on a not permanently connected HDD
  4. on the old SDcard
  5. on a HDD at a separate location (sadly updated irregularly)