Moviesheets ThumbGen WdTvLive settings

Hey there,

I have some trouble with my Thumbgen settings. Whenever the background slideshow should run, there is just a plain black screen. May someone can help me out with the proper settings (best with screenshots). I put up here some screenshots of my settings and movie menu, too.

I use a WD TV LIVE C3H media player with a 2.01.86 firmware.

Thanks in advance.

Greetings :wink:


8.JPG 10.JPG 11.JPG

My setup is a little different (i scrape from XBMC .nfo files) … but, outlined in RED is where you have gone wrong

1)  Moviesheets must be a *.jpg    (not *.metathumb)

also $M$N$E_sheet   should be $M$N_sheet    ($E puts a file extension in the sheet name which is not necessary for standard movie sheets)

i would also “uncheck”  “Extra Thumbnail” in the General Option …it’s not needed

I would recommend “check”  Main / Extra moviesheet metadata in the General Options (this generates a *tgmd file … which is basically a *zip file that contains all the metadata (Covers,Backdrops,Info etc)

If you wish to re-generate different moviesheet templates at a later date… this can be done quickly (without being online) … on the Process Files/Folder  screen select “Create from Metadata”

  1. If you want local sheets to be displayed this is the correct setting (when you open the *.xml you will see this …

rg. Interstellar_sheet.jpg … this will display the local sheet)