Missing Backup options in newer Generation V1 vs V2

I’m wondering why WD removed the option to do timed automatic backup options.

I have 2 WD passports, one is a 3 gig V1 the 2nd is a 3 gig V2 , in the V1 there is the option to do a safepoint backup daily automatically at a specified time , which I do to the V2 device at 1am and to an attached USB3 drive at noon…

I was going to switch the devices around so my main storage was the V2 and the safepoint backup was the on V1 (newer hardware , more responsive etc).

BUT…the V2 doesn’t have an automatic safepoint option any more in the firmware , just manual backup options where you have to press a button in the UI to start it off…not much good to me as I may not be around to do that every day.

I’m wondering why they removed the option to automate the backups , seems a bit backwards to me.

The differences between Safepoint (v4.x) and Backup (v2.x) have been discussed in more than a few past threads. And the lack of certain features, like automating the backup, in v2.x Backup have also been discussed in numerous past threads along with possible ways (using SSH) to get around it. Those threads can be found using the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right.

One can add their voice to others who have requested WD add scheduled backups to the v2.x firmware in the following Cloud Ideas thread.
