Mapping network drives Win7

I am having a problem mapping network drives. There are two computers in my house, a desktop and a laptop. I have been able to successfully map network drives from the desktop using my account (non admin). However, I am unable to map network drives using my wife’s account from the laptop.

I receive the following error when I try to map network drives using my wife’s user account: “The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different username and password. To connect using a different user name and password, first disconnect any existing mapping to this network share.”

I have disconnected all mapped drives to the EX2 Ultra from all computer and tried only from the laptop using my wife’s user and password.

I have reset account passwords and ensured that both computers are on the same network and can access the “desk top” interface of the my cloud device.

I’m at a loss as to how to enable this device to share the same folders effectively across my home network with two different user accounts.

Can the system map Public share? Additionally, the username and password needed to map private shares should be different from the system login in order to prevent a credentials conflict.

could it be that your needing to update the details, or delete the old logon, from the Windows Credential Manager?