Lost SSH, wdmycloud blank webpage, help please!

Hello guys!!!

I have a big problem here with my 4tb my cloud. After trying to install transmission and cannot start transmission-daemon, I started the factory reset process on settings->utilities->system only restore.

after all restore was completed, I lost access to mycloud device. I can see the blue light, I have good connection, but I cannot access via putty (ssh) to my cloud (I was able before do that), I got network connection refused error.

using web browser, I cannot access http://wdmycloud, and I got a blank page instead.

I got ping response, static ip configured previusly, I can see the device as a disk on my pc but I unable to admin it.

I reseted for 40 seconds touching the back reset button with the same results.

what can I do for restore the debian OS and get back mycloud ssh and webpage again?

thanks in advance

does anyone have mybook 4tb virgin image for restore it? 

I think I will need to unbrick mycloud because i´m in Argentina and I not have RMA chance…

I saw this post,  http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-My-Cloud/How-to-unbrick-a-totally-dead-My-Cloud/td-p/651195/highlight/true/page/3, but i not sure if this will apply to mycloud 4tb.

any help will be much appreciated.

thanks in advance


It’s possible for you to set the RMA in Argentina.

Please contact WD Support and they will be able to provide you all the information on the matter.

WD Contact info:


thanks ERmorel, but mycloud is not available on Argentina yet. There is not a similar product to trade using RMA.

I was able to investigate several ways to re-image my disk, I know the disk is not broken, just the OS. I need some help for get mycloud 4tb virgin image and try restore by myself using your advises

I fixed using different post from here, took a little bit, but after that you will be able to learn and do it yourself :



Hello German206, I have got same your problems (lost SSH, wdmycloud blank webpage) after down-gradation to firmware v3, could you please tell me the way to re-connect to Mycloud. Do we need to re-build fresh hard disk same as the guides on the link you mentioned Thanks in advance!