Lost password

I was in the process of setting up my EX2 Ultra and used a program in my phone to store my password. While I was still setting things up the program on my phone reset and the password is now gone. Is this brand new device now bricked? I went through the online help and the steps listed just don’t seem to work. They keep reverting back to accessing the settings panel but I can’t do that without my password. WTF

Anyone have any ideas?


Download the manual and follow the reset instructions. There’s a pinhole on the back of the unit with a reset button in it.

Thank you, I was using my log in name (email address) and not the device name to log in after pushing the reset button. I was able to access the unit once I used the device name. I am trying to figure out if I have administration rights logging in this way as I still can not access the private area of the drive using WD connect when logging in using the device name. I’m still learning how to use this EX2 Ultra and it doesn’t seem as intuitive as I hoped it would be.

Have you tried using “admin” as the username when you login?

I always get the IP address for a new device from my router & type that into the browser to get to the login screen. I never use the software or “friendly name” that the instructions tell you to use.

No, but perhaps you are.
You need a good scolding. Anyone who buys a new NAS needs to have downloaded the complete user manual and learn to refer to it. You could have searched for the simple answer simply by searching for the keyword: password. Doing a reset (correctly) clears all passwords and the way back into Dashboard is the default user name is admin and the password is left blank, and one simply logs in like device was new again. User names and passwords are also cleared and the admin and users need to be reconfigured again.

Why is it when novices screw up using their new devices, they immediately think it is “bricked” and say WTF, and often blame WD? It’s because they have not done their basic prep and homework.

This scolding was for your own good, so hope it wakes you up.


Gee, you were very helpful. If you read all my posts you would seen that I did rtfm and did log in but I used the device name as per the instructions not “admin”. And if you did read all my posts you would have read that my concern now is whether I am logged in at the admin level as it appears there seems to be some things I can’t get to. Someone that was actually helpful here suggested I try logging in as admin to see if it helps, which you didn’t at all. Someone is all full of themselves.

Bah by,