Lost - Don't know how to find the appropriate latest up date for WD TV HD Media Player


 I am new here. I just bought  a WD TV HD Media Player and  I am confused about the updates.

They refer to Gen1 and Gen 2.   I have no clue which one I have.  The only reference I could find on

the media player is :  WD00AVP-00.  So, the question is which up date would be the right /appropriate one

for me.  Or don’t I need an up date, yet, because WD00AVP-00 includes already the latest up date.

Gen1 - WDAVN00
Gen2 - WDBABF0000NBK
Mini - WDBAAL0000NBK
Live - WDBAAN0000NBK

It’s looks to me like you have the Gen1 which means you’re updates can be found at http://wdc.com/en/products/wdtv/. The last firmware update for your device is Release 1.03 (11/9/2009).

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nijaju wrote:

Gen1 - WDAVN00
Gen2 - WDBABF0000NBK
Mini - WDBAAL0000NBK
Live - WDBAAN0000NBK



It’s looks to me like you have the Gen1 which means you’re updates can be found at http://wdc.com/en/products/wdtv/. The last firmware update for your device is Release 1.03 (11/9/2009).

Thanks for that.  When I looked at the ‘Settings’ /about ’  of my WD TV  WD00AVP-00  it says  the

Firmware Version is 1.02.07.  So, you might be right. Meaning, I am going to use the firmware update 1.03

as suggest by you.

It is great to get this sort of support from users.  Many thanks again for you help.:smiley: