LOCAL ACCESS - sign in screen won't show

Hey eveyone, I’m trying to get in my device using both IP and hostname on my explorer but it never shows me a sign in screen. It shows me a screen where it tells me to configure the device using the mobile app and then to return but the mobile app is also not working… I reached a dead end and don’t know what to do.

I attach a screenshot (it´s in spanish but it says to configure the device on the mobile app)

Hola. @maurimycloud:
Le está pasando a la muchos usuarios. Creo que el problema es que MCH a “olvidado” el propietario, quizás porque no se hubiese configurado previamente, por un borrado de configuración, o un reinicio de fábrica.
Esperamos impacientes que WD dé una solución definitiva a tantos problemas.
